17 out of every 100 people are millionaires at 65.
There is a very good chance that you are friends or have a relative that is a millionaire.
The question today is do YOU want to become one?
Today Dave will discuss 10 ways to help you win with money and make it to that special million-dollar threshold.
As you'll find out in the episode, it’s not all: save, save, save.
It also means cutting expenses, putting your money to work for you, and saving on taxes. All 10 of these ideas will help you on your journey towards winning with money and becoming a millionaire by 65 (or sooner!).
You don't have to implement all 10, but you should manage your finances with intentionality.
In the episode, Dave shared how he got started saving and investing regularly and how he managed to reach a million dollars before the usual retirement age... All that despite earning just an average full-time income for 30 years.
Now it’s your turn! Make a plan and implement it this week.
Questions for Review:
- Does earning a million dollars before 65 seem doable to you?
- Are you on track to earning a million dollars before you expect to retire?
- What 1 thing from the episode can you begin implementing today?
Verse from the Episode: "Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment." -1 Timothy 6:17
Thank you so much for taking the time to share financial tips with us! Found your podcast through the lovely Andrea.
Thanks so much for listening, Alexandra!