// ABOUT The Save Like Dave Podcast
About the Save Like Dave Podcast
We are a father/son Podcast with Dave being the personal finance expert and guru.
On the Podcast, Dave is going to walk you through a simple framework for your personal success with consistent savings and investing habits.
Each episode is highly practical and it features a lot of great stories and examples.
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Practical Tips On Becoming Debt Free At ANY Income Level
Welcome to the Save Like Dave Podcast where we are on a mission to help you SAVE and WIN with your money no matter how much you are currently making.
Why listen to Dave?
Dave’s done it and he’s here to help you achieve your financial goals too. Dave's income was well under $50k in all but 4 years [with the highest year at $73k].
What makes Dave unique?
Dave’s been a consistent saver his whole life. He retired at 55 with $1M+ saved up (only 17% retire by 55).
What’s in it for you?
By faithfully saving and investing you can take control of your financial life. It allows you the freedom to choose how to live your life. You now have options beyond the daily work necessities.

I want to help people who do not see a way out financially.
I want you to not just survive financially but to succeed in every area of your life.
What You Will Learn
All Save Like Dave Podcast episodes go from anywhere from 14-20 minutes long and teach an important financial concept through engaging stories and practical everyday examples.

Mission of the Podcast
Dave considers himself to be “Mr. Average” in almost everything except for his finances. This Podcast is for the everyday person who wants to succeed with money, but doesn't know how.
Thanks so much for following along and we hope you listen!
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We only send out one weekly email with practical tips each Saturday.