July 25

025 | How To Get An Amazing Financial Education For Free


One of the first steps in overcoming poverty is to receive an education.

With each year of schooling, an individual’s income potential increases by around 10 percent.

With more education, one has more opportunities.

Today, Dave is going to get into specifics on how YOU can become educated in personal finance.

He is going to show you a simple process to help you to understand how to navigate the messy business of saving and investing.

What will you take away from this week's episode?

Dave will share some great resources and walk through a simple, step-by-step process to getting a financial education for free.

Once you have some resources, begin to educate yourself via one of the sites I mentioned on the episode.

Then, when you have some good basic knowledge, put some of your hard-earned money to work for you in a financial brokerage firm and YOU will be on your way to succeeding with money.

Educating yourself does take some effort on your part, just like growing a muscle, mastering a favorite sport, or learning a new language, by taking charge of your life, and in this case your financial life, YOU will WIN with money!

Please don’t put it off! I know you want to get better at it so please begin today.

Questions for Review:

  • Would you consider yourself educated in personal finance?
  • What areas do you most need help with to become a good saver or investor?
  • Can you put aside 20-30 minutes this week to learn more about personal finance? If so, schedule it on your calendar and make sure it actually happens.

Verse From the Episode: "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction." -Proverbs 1:7


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